Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Music To My Ears


First of all I have to apologize in advance if this post is a little choppy. Hermione and Ron are staring at me from the library wall reading posters they're trapped in, and I'm a little distracted... But here it goes.

Yesterday we had the chance to go and volunteer at a senior center in the morning. This is something we do regularly, and one of the days I noticed that they had a dusty piano in the corner of the room. I went over and starting playing around on it, and apparently they've designated that to be my job for two hours each time we go over there. Heavenly Father knew I was going to get this opportunity, so he made it so that I only learned how to play LDS hymns, and now the seniors have no choice but to listen to "Come Come Ye Saints", "Joseph Smith's First Prayer" and such during it. I noticed though, that yesterday as I was playing it would get really quiet in the room during each hymn.

Music is one of the easiest and quickest ways to bring the spirit into a room. "Sacred music has a unique capacity to communicate our feelings of love for the Lord. This kind of communication is a wonderful aid to our worship" the apostles say. Music is also one of the quickest ways to destroy the spirit that is in the room. Introduce your children at a young age to good, stimulating yet spiritual music! Help them to know that the spirit can't reside when they listen to lyrics or beats that are not in line with the Lord. “Through music, man’s ability to express himself extends beyond the limits of the spoken language in both subtlety and power. Music can be used to exalt and inspire or to carry messages of degradation and destruction."

As I was growing up I would wake up every Sunday morning to my dad playing and singing hymns at the piano. I can still remember the reverence that was in our house and he used his incredible music ability to share his testimony with his family. It's been said that if you have a hard time voicing your thanks to God, sing it! Sing the hymns reverently, yet proudly each Sunday! But keep them going through out the week in your homes. Music is one of God's greatest gifts he has given to us. He lives in each good note and lyric that is played. Show him your appreciation by listening and playing music that is in harmony with Him. I know that if we do these things, we will have an easier time listening to and feeling the spirit.

 “For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads.” (D&C 25:12.)

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