Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Daily Task: Repentance

A Daily Task
Who ever thought that you could learn spiritual life lessons while mowing the lawn? Well this girl did yesterday. I started mowing the lawn for a lady we visit every week. Last Tuesday, I began a little bit too late and the sun went down before I was able to finish the front yard. Well luck would have it that it rained (torrential downpour) the rest of the week, and the times that it wasn't raining I was feeling lazy. Well yesterday as I was mowing, that procrastination of the unfinished part of the lawn hit me right in the face. Plus I had to mow the rest of the lawn again! So I am here to tell you folks; do not procrastinate the day of your repentance! You knew I had to be getting to the point sometime right?
Repentance is the ultimate gift that our Heavenly Father has given us. It is the only way that we, as humans, can enter the kingdom of God! "For we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" -Romans 3:23 So the steps of repentance are....
1. Recognize your sin and feel the guilt that comes from it (This usually comes pretty easily)
2. Desire to change. (This is the hardest one for me. I have to pray for a desire to change every day)
3. Confess to a leader if needed. They can help you more than you could ever imagine.
4. Correct the problem!
                                                      5. Tell your Father in Heaven that you will try your hardest not to
                                                      do it anymore.

I've been focusing on trying to become more Christlike and I continually fall short every day. I would give anything for Hermione's time turner some days, to go back and undo the things I did wrong. But thank goodness repentance is Spanish for "God will never turn his back on you if you're trying to better yourself every day, even if we fall short".
So this is where mowing the lawn comes in. Do not, I repeat, do not procrastinate your repentance. Repent every day for the things you've done wrong. I promise you that God is a loving and merciful God. "Mercy can satisfy the demands of justice, and encirlces them in the arms of safety, while he that exercises no faith unto repentance is exposed to the whole law of the demands of justice". So my friends, mercy only covers us if we are repenting along the way too.

I know that all of us want to live with our Heavenly Father again after our McDonald's runs and football watching days are over on this earth. No sin can be around God in the celestial kingdom, so we need to use this life to show him that we are willing to give all sin up through repentance. Boys and girls, I know what is going through your mind right now. Yes we will sin all the way until we die. Every day. But through the gift of repentance, we will be able to overcome that human nature, and become more like our Heavenly Father. We will be able to live with Him and our families for all time and eternity.  

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