Saturday, July 27, 2013

Enslaving Addictions

Are You Enslaved?

Some of the saddest life stories I have heard, have all had one common denominator. Addictions. “Substance abuse is a leading cause of preventable illness and death in the United States. The misuse of drugs ruins families, costs billions in lost productivity, strains the healthcare system, and ends lives.” "Addictions are OFFENSIVE to the spirit!" President Faust says.

Whether it's an addiction to tobacco, alcohol, drugs, pornography, gambling, chocolate... (just teasing) or other unworthy habits, there is hope! I repeat there is hope! Do you remember the story about the 'fiery serpents', the Children of Israel, and Moses? Numbers 21 talks about how they were trapped in a land with fiery serpents that were going to kill the Children of Israel. Moses prayed to the Lord with all his might and asked what they should do. He was given this simple answer. “Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived”.

"Now Sister Vercillo, what in the world does this have to do with addictions?" you ask. Well I will tell you this incredible formula!
1. Look to the Savior- The Savior has ALREADY suffered for your addiction! He knows what you're feeling right now. So set it at his feet and look to the atonement. He knows the exact path you need to take to get out of this maze. Moses asked for a way out of the deathly situation they were in, and he gave it to them, simple and clear.

2. Don't focus on the serpents-  "Almost everyone I have met struggling with addiction suffers from a terrible sense of shame and a belief that he or she is broken, defective, and beyond the love and grace of God. But this belief, in my experience, is far from the truth. Usually I find that those who struggle with addictions are warriors with tenacity, courage, and a strong desire to be clean. They win far more battles than they lose as they march toward recovery." -Benjamin R. Erwin
The Children of Israel were asked to look to the brass serpent, not the fiery serpents (addiction) around them. They needed to focus on the light at the end of the tunnel. Don't drown in you sin, look up to the future!

3. Hang onto hope- Healing and repentance from addictions takes time. It is emotionally and physically taxing, but it is never impossible. The Lord doesn't ask us to do anything that is impossible. He gives us every tool we need to be obedient and worthy. Remember that through your process of recovery! You WILL be free from your addiction if you keep pressing forward. Don't give up!

4. Seek professional knowledge and help- Don't be afraid to tell a professional about your addiction. You are showing the Lord that you are ready for a change. The church has many addiction recovery programs, so find you local LDS building and ask about the classes they offer. A professional opinion and advice may be a good option. Never forget that the ultimate advice will be from your Heavenly Father.

You can overcome your addiction! I know it! Make a plan right now for how you're going to do it. Do it for your family! For your Savior! And always remember that those Children of Israel who looked to the brass serpent, lived. You can too.

Overcoming Pornography
Addiction Recovery Program


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