Friday, June 21, 2013


Sorry for the awkward layout of the pictures... still figuring out how to use a computer. But today I want to show you these beautiful temples. There are temples all over the world today and they are all unique. I get the chance to go to the temple tomorrow morning and so today, as I was studying (I stayed awake the whole time thank you very much), I started thinking a lot about how amazing it is that we have a house of God on this earth today!

LDS temples are sacred places of worship where we make covenants with our Heavenly Father. The feeling inside is indescribable. Inside the temple there are endowments, sealings, and ordinances for the deceased done. The part that most people know about is that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints believe that by being married and sealed together as a family in the temple, we can be together with our family forever. That just makes me feel all warm and goosebumpy:) I am so excited for the day that I can be sealed to my future family in this wonderful House of the Lord. I think one of the most beautiful temples is the Logan Utah temple. Not only because it looks a little like Hogwarts.... but because my parents were sealed for time and all eternity in it. Because of that decision, I can be with them forever!

“The Lord will bless us as we attend to the sacred ordinance work of the temples. Blessings there will not be limited to our temple service. We will be blessed in all of our affairs”-Ensign

Strive to live worthy to enter the temple one day! And for those of you that aren't married yet, live your life so that you'll be worthy to take that special one there someday and bring blessings to your family for eternity.

Go to this website to learn more about LDS temples.

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