Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Why Do I Need to be Batized With Proper Authority?

Baptism: Proper Authority

"But I've already been baptized. Are you saying my baptism wasn't good enough?" Kevin says.
"No, no that wasn't what I was trying to say!" I quickly say. "We are just offering you the chance to be baptized by someone holding the authority of God."  Have you ever had this conversation with a Mormon missionary before? Have you ever wondered why they are asking you if you want to be baptized AGAIN? Why are they saying that your previous baptism wasn't of God? Why would they think that? Well, let's take a little stroll through the foggy streets of London (I wish) and we'll talk about it, shall we?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was restored by the prophet Joseph Smith in 1830. This was quite a bit of time after Christ walked the earth. When Christ was on the earth, he gave the priesthood authority to baptize to a select few.
"In 1829 Joseph Smith received the priesthood authority to organize Christ’s Church from Heavenly Messengers who had held this authority anciently including the prophet John the Baptist and apostles Peter, James, and John. In 1830 the same Church of Jesus Christ that existed centuries ago was organized and restored to the earth." (Mormon.org)

After the last apostle died, God's authority was taken from the earth. "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a afamine of bread, nor a bthirst for water, but of hearing the cwords of the Lord." Amos 8:11

Through out time, we have seen the gospel be restored to the earth through different prophets. When the people are wicked, God takes his power off the earth so that it doesn't get misused. This is what we believe the previous scripture is speaking about. If God's power was taken off the earth, then it needed to be restored to the earth. When Joseph Smith restored Christ's church back to the earth, he was given the authority to baptize "in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost." This authority is so important to have. Not everyone is able to receive it because it is so precious. You must be worthy.

"We are baptized by someone who has God’s priesthood authority for the remission of sins. (Acts

, Acts 22:16). We are also baptized to become members of the Church of Jesus Christ, and to enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5).
Through the ordinance of baptism, we make a promise, called a covenant, with God. We promise to accept Christ, to become His followers, and to keep His commandments to the end of our lives. In return, our Heavenly Father promises to forgive our sins and let us return to live with Him, provided we keep our covenants."

A very smart man once explained the concept of "proper authority" to me in terms I can understand. In other words, he dumbed it down to a food story. That gets Sister V.'s attention. "So you're speeding down the road, going 30 miles over. All of the sudden you see lights behind you! But it isn't the flashing red, white, and blue lights; it's an ice cream truck! You pull over wondering what all of this is about. The ice cream man walks over to you and very kindly hands you a $200 ticket for speeding, then walks away. You sit there dumbstruck. He can't give you a ticket! He's an ice cream man! He doesn't have the authority to do something like that!"
Well see, my good friends, authority matters. God's authority ESPECIALLY matters. When He gave Joseph Smith the authority to baptize in His name, He made sure that they knew authority was given by God and not by going to church school or other things.

 "He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost. And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto aJohn’s baptism. Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of arepentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.When they heard this, they were abaptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with atongues, and prophesied." Acts 19: 2-6
After baptism by the proper authority, someone holding the priesthood of God will lay their hands upon you and give you the gift of the Holy Ghost. Baptism is not complete without it as we learn in the scriptures. With this incredible gift, as long as you remain worthy you will always have the spirit with you. You will be able to discern right from wrong, and you will be told truths by the Holy Ghost. It is a wonderful gift that has helped me remain safe and worthy countless times. I'm so grateful that this gift was part of my baptism.

So you've come to know that the Book of Mormon is a true book of God; another testament of Jesus Christ. You want to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! The missionaries have set a baptism date for you. You've already been baptized! Your previous baptism was not of correct authority, but your heart was in the right place. That's why we want to give you a chance to be baptized by someone holding the power of God! Isn't that amazing? I can testify that my baptism was one of the most amazing steps toward God and eternal salvation. I'm so grateful that I was baptized by my dad who worthily held the priesthood of God and baptized me with proper authority.

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