Saturday, October 5, 2013

Family History

What's YOUR Story?

I know every single one of you remembers claiming bragging rights to someone "famous" you are related to, at some point in your life. I remember my grandpa telling me one day "your relatives come from Sicily Italy! You have Mafia blood in you! I thought that was the coolest thing. I didn't exactly understand what the mafia was... but it sounded awesome when telling my friends!

"The family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children. The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave. Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally." This is in the "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" written by the apostles and prophets of the LDS church. Family isn't just a huge part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It IS the gospel of Jesus Christ. Family history is becoming "one of the most widespread hobbies in the world", especially in the Mormon church.

Have you ever wondered who and where you came from? We're in the year 2013! As much as we like to think the world started with us, there have been billions of people before us. They each had their own individual story and many paved miraculous roads for their future family. Have you ever been interested in finding out more about your own "kin" as Kentuckians call them?

I've never met people more devoted to family history than Donna and Danny. We went over to their house for dinner one day and I asked how their day had been. They explained they had been cemetery hopping, and taking pictures of grave stones for "find-a-grave." Did I know there was such a thing? No sir. But these two people devote their days to helping others do their family history work. They know all the cemeteries in Logan County and the surrounding ones like the back of their hand. They've brought so many blessings to their home by being able to do temple work for their family that has passed on, and learning new stories about their heritage! They've found living kin that they didn't know were relatives and formed lasting friendships. It really got me interested in doing some of my own family research. In comes the wonderful website the church created!    This website is incredible. Not only is it eye-catchingly colorful, but it's actually helpful! I was supposed to write my post for the week on Thursday because today is General Conference (it's been incredible, go watch it), but I got completely distracted by how cool this website was. I literally found ancestors all the way back to the 300's! I recognized names that my family had talked about and found some new places that I didn't know I was from! It was the so interesting, I couldn't stop. As I was doing this, I felt so close to these people. I wanted to sit down with each one of them and hear their story. I know that because of the gospel, I can actually do that someday. This website is free and so helpful, but if you find that you are having a hard time finding your ancestors, there's another very helpful resource the LDS church provides. Many LDS meeting houses around the world have "Family History Centers" within them. There, a member will work one-on-one with you to help find your family. This is also free and you can usually walk into the church building during the day and ask for assistance.

"Members and nonmember of the LDS church can and should research their family history! It brings so many blessings to your life and gives you a new sense of "family pride". First, family history builds bridges between the generations of our families. Bridges between generations are not built by accident. Each member of this Church has the personal responsibility to be an eternal architect of this bridge for his or her own family."  -Dennis B. Neuenschwander
 Not only have members of the LDS church have been counseled to make family history a priority in their lives, but nonmembers alike! It truly is a way to bring your family (living or deceased) closer together. It's fun too! Searching for each family member is an adventure and a new story to learn. I encourage you to get on this website today and play around with it! I know that you will enjoy it just as much as I have.

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