Thursday, September 5, 2013

LDS Youth Programs

A Teen in a Troubling World

They take your car, they take your money, they blast Taylor Swift when the baby's alseep.... and they are at the most influential time in their lives. Teenagers. I know because I am one.

"Stand Ye in Holy Places and Be Not Moved" is the 2013 theme youth theme for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Each year they focus on a something that has been inspired by the Prophet and apostles. Each year it's life changing. Have you ever wondered what to do with your teenager? Have you struggled to find something that will change their (and your) life for the better? Do you want what's best for your child and for them to know and love their God? Well congratulations because you have found the sister that is going to tell you how to find ALL THESE THINGS! Yay! I have to admit, I only know the answer because my mom told me... Thanks mom, you're the best!

A day in the life of a Latter Day Saint young woman. Let's call her Lucy. Throughout the world (yah us Utah kids were spoiled) LDS youth are waking up and heading off to Seminary at 6 am. There she gathers with kids with her same standards and they study the scriptures for an hour every morning during the school week. Off to school she head, after this spiritual uplift, trying to keep that special message in their hearts. Modestly dressed Lucy is offered a morning coffee by her friend. "No thanks", she says, as she remembers her belief of staying away from coffee, alcohol, tea, tobacco, and illegal drugs.
That night (it's Monday), Lucy's family gathers together and has "family home evening". A once-a-week night where LDS families gather in their homes and have a spiritual lesson and spend time together. She also reads a bit of the scriptures with her family, and offers the prayer before bedtime. That night she reads her assignment for seminary the next morning. They're studying the Book of Mormon this year. Last year was the New Testament.
On Tuesday night she meets all the young men and women at the church building and they have a night of spiritual activities and fun with their leaders.
Sunday morning she gets ready for church with her family. They attend sacrament meeting together, then she heads off to an hour of Sunday school. She ends the day with her Young Women's class where she learns how to prepare to some day be a mother. Leaders help Lucy strengthen her testimony in Jesus Christ and help her to learn good morals and values. Lucy also sets aside time during her week to work on "Personal Progress", the Young Women activities designed to help them learn to be obedient, faithful, and loving daughters of God.

The young men also do similarly scheduled activities, where they are taught to be righteous sons, and future fathers. The goal for all the youth activities in the church is to prepare the youth to be worthy to go to the temple some day. "May I offer my vision of you and your future. You enter a world caught in a steep slippery slide of diminishing moral values. Against that backdrop, your character and integrity will let you stand out and shine like a lighthouse. You, your families, and your homes will become beacons of hope in a darkened world. Your faith and optimism will make you leaders in your communities, in your countries, and in the kingdom of God on earth." -Russel M. Nelson 

I know that being a teenager in these days is a struggle. And I can't even imagine trying to raise one of us. All I know is that sometimes the only thing that kept me from making a wrong decision was a simple line from a Young Women lesson that kept going through my head, or picturing my Savior's face as my leaders had taught me, or knowing I was working towards going to the temple. I'm so grateful that my parents knew what kinds of struggles I would go through and they introduced me to these youth programs. I'm so grateful for the Prophets being inspired to come up with an entirely alternate LIFE that LDS kids live. A life full of happiness, obedience,service, family, friends with good values, and God.

All youth programs in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are open to everyone! Whether you be a member, or you're just trying to get your kids involved with a good group of people, locate your local church building ( and go check it out! You will come to love the Lord more than you ever have, strengthen your family, and see your children become followers of Christ as you go through the programs and activities with them. And guess what? Everything is FREE! So go right now and contact your local church, or visit to learn more.

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