Saturday, September 21, 2013

What is a church service like?

What's Going On In There?!

Does anyone know what today is? Why, it is Hermione Granger's birthday! Or was recently, depending on what day you're reading this. So in honor of her, I am going to teach you what happens during a church service at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! OK I'm not really sure what that has to do with Hermione... but I needed to add that in somehow.

So you've driven by the meeting houses, you've had missionaries knock on your door time and time again, you've had neighbors or co workers invite you to church, but you're nervous! You have no idea what happens during a service! You just know what you've heard through the grape vine. You've thought about you tubing it, but you knew better than to trust the Internet. Well let me tell you that there is nothing to be scared of. LDS (latter-day saint) church services are open to everyone and anyone that wants to come closer to their savior Jesus Christ. The regular Sunday church services at the meeting houses are distinguished from the temples though. The temples are places where covenants are made between worthy members of the church. Meeting houses are the churches that are dedicated houses of worship open to all members and non-members.

A typical Sunday service lasts 3 hours. "3 hours??!" you say, shocked. I promise you that it speeds by! It's broken up into 3 different parts and every hour is filled with the spirit. Bring a snack if you get hungry, or let me know and I'll bring one for you. You can locate your local building for the meeting time for your specific area. Are you ready to hear a secret? Well listen close because this is really cool. Actually it's not really a secret at all, but it's still cool! No matter what meeting house you go to, whether it be in London or in Tokyo, the service will be the same. The Prophet is over every LDS church in the world. They are each run by the same lesson manuals, are all 3 hours long, and all are EXACTLY the same the same! Cool beans, huh?

So usually the first hour of church is "Sacrament Meeting". This is a one hour service where the Lord's supper/communion/sacrament is taken. Hymns will be sung, and announcements will be made. Then there will be speakers that have been asked, previously, from the congregation to give a talk/sermon on a certain topic. The interesting thing about the Mormon church is that none of the clergy are paid. All the members have volunteer callings or jobs to help the church function. So each week you get to hear from a different member speak! That way everyone gets a chance to prepare a talk, if they'd like, and the spirit can guide whoever is speaking without the loom of money.

After Sacrament, there is Sunday School hour. The adults break off from the kids and separate into their associated classes. There's a link down below so you can take a look at the different classes on your own time. These classes are a time for asking questions whereas Sacrament Meeting is very reverent and quiet. It is a time to listen to the spirit and the speaker respectfully.

The third and final hour is where the women and the men go to different classes and learn about their respective roles in the gospel. There is Young Women (ages 12-17),  Relief Society (18+), Priesthood meetings (age oriented classes for men 12+), and primary for the kids (3-11).
There also may be a nursery provided for the little kids (18 months-3 years).

No collection baskets are passed around during any of these hours. Members are asked to tithe 10% of their income to the church. This is given privately to the men called to preside over each individual building. The money goes to build new church houses, temples, help missionaries, welfare, and much more. None of the money is paid to any individual in the church. 

So now that you know the low down of a LDS church service, there's only one thing left to do! Get in your car on Sunday, and drive to one! Or walk, or run, or swim if required. Visitors are ALWAYS welcome! I can testify that Sundays are my favorite times of the week. I can't get through each week without having that Sunday service. The spirit never leaves, and I come home feeling so peaceful and happy. This isn't just a church, it's a way of life. You can feel the faithfulness of the saints, striving to become better and ready themselves to meet God, when you enter the building. You can be a part of that too! We'd love to have you. Typically, members will come in Sunday dress, but just come in the nicest you can. Look up your local meetinghouse address today!

Meetinghouse Locator,0&z=2&m=google.road

Church Classes

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