Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dead Baptizing

What about the Dead??

I can't even begin to explain the look of horror that we, as missionaries, get when we first bring up "baptisms for the dead". At one point I actually pictured what someone probably sees in their head if they've never heard of that practice before. Not pretty. So if this is your first time reading about this incredible, saving ordinance, than I'll let you know straight up that all bodies remain in the ground. No shovels required!

"Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?" 1 Corinthians 15:29 

Many Christian religions believe that baptism is a required ordinance for salvation. “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God” (John 3:5). Scenario time. A little boy (let's name him Fred) is born in the jungle of Madagascar. Fred parent's raise him wonderfully. He knows to be good to his elders, to provide for his family, etc. But he's never been taught the gospel of Jesus Christ. He doesn't know that in order to be saved in the highest kingdom of glory, you need to be baptized with proper priesthood authority. Well Fred goes on throughout his life, doing good things and passes away when he's 89. He passes away without ever being baptized. Is Fred damned? Is God waiting for Fred on the other side ready to say, "Sorry Fred. You just didn't make the cut because you're not baptized. You should have been born to some other family, in some other place. No much I can do for you!" NO! Of course God's all loving and merciful to EVERY SINGLE ONE of His children. He's going to make sure everyone gets the chance to come live with him.

Now I have to touch on the most important factor of this ordinance though. That's proper priesthood authority. There are baptisms done every day, all over the world. When Christ was on the earth, He made sure that His authority was given only to those that He chose and who were worthy. Why would should that be any different now? There wasn't a school for the apostles; "Here Peter, if you pass this one class, you can be my apostle!"  He picked those who followed the gospel and commandments exactly as He wanted them. The priesthood authority of God was taken off the earth when the last apostle was killed off. I know with my whole heart that God's authority was given to Joseph Smith by his resurrected apostles. I know that the proper authority resides within this church and ANYONE can receive of the blessings of it, if they come and show their desire! Baptism, when done with proper priesthood authority within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, is eternal. "How totes awesome is that!" in the words of my sister.

"So Sister Vercillo, you baptism for the dead sounds cool and everything, but WHAT actually happens during the ordinance? It sounds kind of shady!" Well my dear friends, I'll tell you. When a member of the church is baptized for someone that is passed on, they are baptized in "proxy"for them. In other words, they are "acting" like they are that person for the baptism. They will take on the name of the deceased person for the baptism and the confirmation (the gift of the Holy Ghost). I had the amazing opportunity to be baptized for my great grandma a few years ago. It was incredible to know that, if she accepted the baptism, I was helping her to return to her Heavenly Father.

So you noticed that I said "if she accepted the baptism". A common misconception about baptisms for the dead is that Mormons are just "force baptizing everyone into our church and not giving them a choice." No sir! When a baptism is done for someone that has died, we believe that they still have their agency and can choose whether or not they would like to be baptized. They are being taught in the spirit world about the true gospel! Some people will choose to accept it, and other's won't. We just want to make sure that everyone gets the chance to.

I know that this might be a strange concept for anyone that is investigating the Mormon church, but I can promise you that it is the most incredible saving ordinance. God is giving everyone an equal chance! Ask Heavenly Father about it in your prayers tonight.
Ask Him if this really is His want. Prepare yourself to one day be worthy to enter the temple and do baptisms for the dead. The Lord will pour out so many blessings as you become and active hand in his work.

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