Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Departing Missionaries

A HUGE Thanks!

You've seen them on the road, you've seen them in your neighborhood, you may have even seen them on your front porch trying to talk to you about the gospel! Mormon missionaries. As missionaries we spend 18 months (girls), or 2 years (boys) serving the Lord and telling people about the good news. We believe that God has restored His church to the earth once more and that everyone should know!

Currently there are over 80,000 missionaries in the world. We serve in almost every country and love what we do. I am serving in the Tennessee, Nashville Mission. I love it so much. There are so many spiritual giants that I've gotten to work with and I wouldn't have spent this last year in any other way. Every six weeks, a new batch of missionaries comes out. They're brand new to the mission-field and filled with the desire to spread the gospel! At the same time, a batch of missionaries goes home. They've come to the end of their service and are completely different people from when they came out. They have stronger testimonies, humble confidence, and a desire to continue sharing the gospel for the rest of their lives.

I'm so grateful for the elders and sisters that are serving around me. We recently sent home an incredible group of men and women.

Elder Matthew Horner, Elder Jacob Clark, Elder Joshua Heath, Elder Freeze, Elder Brandon Bollschweiler, Elder Anthony Bassett, Tyler Duffin, Elder Cody Miller, Hermana Courtney Smith, Sister-Hollie Vandenberg, Elder Worthen, Elder Joshua Nield Elder Paul T. Farrell, Elder Chris Gwilliam, Elder Poulsen, Elder A. Miller, Elder Huntington, Elder Allen, Elder Steineckert

I want to thank all these elders and sisters for serving with their whole hearts. They were my leaders and examples and I know they were to everyone else as well. They truly changed the lives of many people here in the South, and their influence, no doubt, spread far beyond those boundaries. As they get to spend their first holiday at home in 2 years, I'm sure their families are so grateful for the blessings they brought. The Lord truly blesses those that are willing to consecrate their time to Him. Thank you elders and sisters for your service. We love you and we'll always remember you.

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